Like everyone normal, I try to read at least 52 books a year. Some of you might be thinking, Pshaw! 52 books is nothing. Last year, I read *[insert ridiculous number of books read here]*. Okay, okay, you win, but hear me out. I work a regular ol’ day job, so I think 52 books a year is a pretty decent number. In fact, if you ask me, a book a week deserves a gold medal.  

Most years I crush my 52-book reading goal. This is because I’ve learned to let go of a certain pipe dream. The dream goes something like this: Every day for at least an hour, I curl up on the couch, sip on hot tea, and soak up a good story. Yeah, right. An hour of uninterrupted reading! Every day! Who does this? I can’t swing it, and I suspect most people can’t either. Jobs and family and Netflix and smartphones and the beast of all beasts–the Internet–get in our way. 

So If you can’t, like most of us, set aside that hour every day, don’t worry. You can still experience tons of bookish joy if you form two plain and simple habits: 1) read in small bursts and 2) embrace the audio book. 

Read in Small Bursts: 

Chop it up. Instead of long periods of uninterrupted reading, read bite-size nuggets. You’d be surprised what five minutes here or ten minutes there can do for you. I’ve learned to squeeze in short bursts of reading whenever, wherever. Here how:

Read at the grocery: Get in line behind that lady with the checkbook, coupons, and cart full of groceries, for she is giving you a gift: reading time! But instead of flipping through a tabloid about the latest celebrity divorce, read a book. You might be thinking, I don’t want to look like a huge nerd. I get it. If you want to avoid looking like a huge nerd, and believe me, you will look like a huge nerd if you whip out a novel in the grocery line, then download the Kindle app on your phone. You’ll trick everyone into thinking you’re a normal person who’s just messing around on the Twit or the Gram, not reading a book in line at the grocery store—as if! 

Read during your lunch break: Always, ALWAYS avoid the cafeteria. One of your non-reader coworkers will inevitably sabotage you and want to chit-chat. Chit-chat is the antithesis of reading. Avoid at all costs.

Read at work: Steal a few minutes at work to read. Sneak a book into the restroom if you have to.

Read at family get-togethers: Hate sports? Me too. So at the next family get-together, while everyone is sitting around watching the game, pull out your book and read. You’ll most likely get accused of being antisocial even though they’re just staring at gross, sweaty guys on a television screen.

Read while drying your hair: If your hair is curly and way too thick like mine, you can get sixteen novels read and your hair will still be a little wet. 

Read while you eat dinner: Instead of watching reruns of Big Bang Theory while you chew, get your read on!

Embrace the Audio Book: 

I prefer the printed versions, myself. But beggars can’t be choosers. I get loads more books read because I’ve learned to embrace the spoken word. Here are some opportunities for listening to an awesome audio book:

During your drive: Traffic jams can be your jam if you get in the habit of listening to books in the car. According to a recent study, Americans spend over 17,000 minutes driving each year. The average reader finishes a novel in about 5 hours, so…if I’d paid more attention in math class, I could tell you how many books that equals a year. But I didn’t, so I can’t. But I bet it’s a lot.

While you exercise: Listen on the treadmill or elliptical or while you take a walk outside. You’ll be burning calories and burning through your reading goals.

As you cook dinner: Listen to a story as you stir fry chicken. 

While you get ready for work: Maybe you are vain like me and spend way too much time primping in the morning. No more guilt. Pop in your audio book and primp it up.

While you work: Many of my coworkers are weirdly good at listening to podcasts and books while they work. I don’t have this superpower, but some do, so I’m including it. 

As you clean or tidy the house: Marie Kondo your hot mess of a closet while you listen to…Marie Kondo’s book! (P.S. She is AMAZING! If you haven’t read her books, what are you waiting for?)

Try a few of these tactics to see what sticks. You’ll be well on your way to living your best bookish life.

What did I leave out? What tricks help you read more books? Leave a comment below or hit me up on Twitter or Instagram!

6 thoughts on “How to Read Waaay More Books

  1. Great goals! I read 51 books one year, and it honestly took a lot of work.

    Most of the time, since I have a job, volunteering, and am in classes, I read closer to 30 books a year. I’m trying to do better though.

    I liked your ideas on how to read more!

  2. I’m trying to teach myself speed-reading myself. Heard of Tim Ferriss? He’s written on the subject. Currently I listen to at least 2 books a month using Audible. So I’ve got a bit of guilt from that and not manually reading as much. lol.

    But thanks for posting this, and will try harder in year of 2020!!

    1. I haven’t heard of Tim Ferriss, but I’ll check him out. I would love to know how to speed read, especially to get through the books that I don’t love so much, but don’t hate enough to stop reading…lol.

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