True story: I used to be obsessed with Dateline, a dark and twisted show about people committing crimes. Glued to the television, night after night, watching episode after episode, I was captivated by these true-crime stories. 

Then I read The Secret. Never did I ever watch Dateline again. 

The message of The Secret is this: “Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life.” Did I think that by watching Dateline, I would attract crime into my life? Not exactly. It’s just that Dateline is a dark, depressing show and reading The Secret inspired me to keep it positive, to stop watching and thinking about negative things all the time.

Thinking negative thoughts and focusing on what we don’t want, according to Byrne, is why most people don’t have what they want. So, if we want to attract health, joy, romance, wealth, or whatever else into our lives, we must visualize having those things and believe in our vision. Through gratitude and visualization, thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive feelings, we can manifest our dreams and reach our goals. 

Okay, let’s be very real: I know a lot of people consider The Secret a wacky book. It’s a little controversial, this idea that our thoughts create our lives. But for me it’s all about staying positive and living a happier, more fulfilling life.

Of all the personal development books I’ve read (so many!) The Secret is my all-time fave and has made the biggest impact on my life. It’s helped me get clear about what I want. It’s made me conscious of my negative thoughts, and has helped me eradicate them when they pop up. Thinking positive thoughts and focusing on what I want gives me good feels. So why not?

I absolutely love this book and its message. It just seems like now’s the right time, no matter who or where we are, to attract a little bit more goodness into our lives. 

So, if you want to tap into some positive energy, click here to read The Secret