Three things I’m totally in love with: sushi rolls, extra-sharp cheddar, and retellings of classic fairy tales. I get all sparkly-eyed at the promise of a fresh retelling of Snow White or Cinderella

So, when I stumbled upon Tales of Ever After on Amazon, and saw the price for the Kindle edition—$000—I freaked out just a little. Worried that the book gods at Amazon would realize their mistake, I immediately clicked “Buy now” and scored this collection of fairy tale retellings for free! 

Then I thought, huh, I hope it doesn’t suck. I mean it’s free. It has to suck, right?

Wrong! Every single story in this anthology is pretty darn good! Some are funny, some are dreamy, some are a bit dark, but all are entertaining and fun!

The authors lead us to crown kingdoms, hidden underground castles, magical hedge mazes, sea caves, lush forests, lonely cottages, and floating cities. We meet lonely mermaids, evil alchemists, princesses, princes, dragons, even a lampost who longs to see the world. 

You get retellings of classic fairy tales, but also brand new stories with twists on traditional tropes.

This is a fun read by some fantastic writers you’ve probably never heard of. You’re bound to find stories you love and new authors to read. Also, the stories have no sex or gory violence. They’re just good clean, upbeat fun.

Tales of Ever After is the fourth anthology from the Fellowship of Fantasy. I’m in the middle of reading Mythical Doorways (the third anthology) and am loving that one too! 

I totally recommend this book! It’s kind of sad that the Kindle version is free (as I write this) because it totally deserves to be paid for. If you prefer print, it’s available in paperback (which, of course, costs a little bit of cash). 

In summary: Like fairy tales? Like reading entertaining stories? (I mean, how could you not??) Then you’ll love Tales of Ever After.

Click here to get your copy!

2 thoughts on “Tales of Ever After: A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology

  1. Glad you enjoyed the anthology!
    (My series, The Firebrand Chronicles, takes place in the same world, just many years later.)
    Thanks for the review!

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